Role of Common Tools & Technologies (CTT) at SGRI is to identify and develop the key competency areas which cover the scientific and technical needs of the different business in India. The various activities in the group revolve around resolving manufacturing and plant issues, enabling new product development, benchmarking and competitive analysis resulting in evolving the structure- property science. The Core Competencies of SGRI are Materials characterization, prototype development, performance testing, environmental testing etc. All these competencies are enabled with most sophisticated analytical equipment's in the center.
Being at Saint-Gobain Research India competency group means working within a multidisciplinary team, taking advantage of cross-functionally of all the scientific skills our research center offers. This provides us a unique advantage to cross pollinate ideas and innovate transversally with all the business groups within the center. We also leverage our close interactions with the other Saint-Gobain R&D centers as well as the academic world to improve our competencies & strengthen them. With our advanced equipment, we obtain information that is vital to the understanding of the structure and property relationships of materials which forms the basis for their performance in a given application.